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Webinar: Pivoting During a Crisis – A Panel Discussion Featuring Local Executives in Food and Hospitality

In this webinar, we had a discussion with our clients in food and hospitality that have been impacted by the pandemic. We heard how these companies were quick to pivot and execute change while managing fluid risks.

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Becoming the CEO of Your Personal Life –
A Personal Insurance Series: Identity Theft — Credit and Debit Cards

Will cash become a thing of the past? It often feels that way with the prevalent use of credit cards, online banking, and electronic payment apps.

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Wellness – A Fading Trend, or Here to Stay?

Alaska businesses facing an extremely tight labor market are getting creative with their employee retention strategies.

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Webinar: Answering Your COVID-19 Financial Resources Questions

In this webinar, we address your questions about available financial resources with a panel of internal and external experts. Topics will include: How to maximize cash flow during this time Up-to-date information about state and federal relief Details about the new SBA loan products and equity injection options A recording of the presentation, along with […]

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Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) – DOL Temporary Rule

Late yesterday, the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor (DOL) released a temporary rule that is effective April 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020. The temporary rule focuses on the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (Paid Sick Leave) and the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (Expanded FMLA). For the most […]

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Increasing Staffing to Handle a Surge in COVID-19 Cases

With various cities and states across the country seeing an increase of COVID-19 cases, a major concern among healthcare systems is having enough staff to meet the demand.

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IRS Releases Guidance on FFCRA Tax Credit

The IRS has released guidance and sample forms related to the tax credit available to private employers with fewer than 500 employees who are required to provide Paid Sick Leave and Expanded FMLA leave as required by the recently passed Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).

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Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) – Model Notice and More Q&A Document Updates

The Department of Labor (DOL) released initial guidance clarifying several provisions set forth in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) earlier this week. Since then, the DOL has provided a model notice, along with some guidance for handling the notice requirements, and recently updated its Questions and Answers (Q&A) document to address many more items as described below.

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Update ‐ SAIF Establishes $10 Million Worker Safety Fund for COVID-19

The State Accident Insurance Fund (SAIF) has announced a newly established $10 million COVID-19 worker safety fund…

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Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) – More Updates to DOL FAQs

The Department of Labor (DOL) released initial guidance clarifying several provisions set forth in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) last week, including FAQs and a model notice with instructions.

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Answering Your COVID-19 Business Risk Management Questions

On March 26, 2020, we addressed questions related to risk management strategies for food and manufacturing facilities, contract liabilities, and insurance programs. We also had experts on hand to discuss new legislation and the resources and tax credits being made available to business owners. The information presented is relevant to business owners, CFOs/controllers, in-house counsel, […]

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CARES Act Includes Employee Benefits Related Provisions

Congress has passed the Coronavirus, Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (The CARES Act), a $2 trillion stimulus package containing many provisions designed to bolster the economy during the COVID-19 crisis. The CARES Act also includes several provisions that affect employee benefit plans summarized in this alert.

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