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Preventive Care Services Regulations Released

The IRS, DOL and HHS (The Agencies) have jointly released regulations (The Regulations) regarding the preventive care coverage requirements contained in The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA).

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The Moral of the Story: Pre-Loss Planning Creates Happy Ending

The story you are about to read is fictitious and intended to illustrate scenarios that we see in reality every day. The setting could be any city, state or region where medium-sized clothing, specialty food or mercantile retailers operate.

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Social Media’s Dirty Little Liability Secret for Employers

You can’t attend a Human Resource, Marketing, or Legal conference these days without a discussion on social media.

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Advancements in Contractors Professional Liability Insurance

With the desire for more advanced and innovative construction project delivery methods, industry initiatives like integrated project delivery,

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Grandfathered Plan Summary

On Monday, June 14th the IRS, DOL, and HHS jointly released interim final rules regarding health reform grandfathered plan status.

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The Case for Insurance in Protecting Personal Net Worth

At least annually, you need to ask yourself, and your insurance agent or broker, is your personal insurance program is keeping pace with your personal net worth and the activities you engage in.

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Wage and Hour Disputes

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA or the Act) governs wage and hour employment matters for employees engaged in interstate commerce.

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Pollution Exposures for a Property Owner

The purpose of a truly effective risk management program is to identify those exposures that your company faces and then utilize some form of risk transfer (avoidance, risk retention, insurance) to address that risk.

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A business succession checklist

The life cycle of a closely held business can be compared to that of your typical family home. When you are considering the purchase of a home you analyze location, price, size, current mortgage rates and the overall appeal of the home.

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COBRA Premium Subsidy Update

On Friday, the House passed the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act (H.R. 4213) that would require 401(k) fee disclosures, provide relief for pension funds and extend unemployment benefits.

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Managing Hospitality Risk Foodborne Illness

Accurate diagnosis is sometimes difficult, but it has been estimated that somewhere between 24 to 81 million foodborne illnesses occur each year, resulting in more than 10,000 foodborne-associated deaths with the consequential costs ranging anywhere from $7.7 to $23 billion.

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